According to family reports, the child was born to the late Punjabi musician Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu, also referred to as “Sidhu Moose Wala,” and his mother Charan Kaur.
The late singer’s father Balkaur Singh shared the photo as well. According to reports, Charan Kaur is 58 years old and Balkaur Singh is 61 years old. With the blessings of millions of souls who love Shubhdeep, the Almighty has placed Shubh’s younger brother in our bag, Sidhu’s father declared when the baby was born.
With the blessings of Waheguru, the family is healthy and thankful to all the well-wishers for their immense love.” I always find something fascinating in every piece of news, let’s take this one for example: in this news, the age of Sidhu’s mother is 58.
When a woman has no chance of getting pregnant, we see Charan Kaur having a healthy baby boy. This in my point of view, is not ordinary news because miracles take place which can clearly be seen in this news of ours. Nothing is impossible for Allah Almighty who can bless anyone with anything if he wants to.
Further, the time, when, and where it will be given are also written. If Sidhu had not died, this baby might not have been born. At the same time, there are thousands of couples who are childless craving for a child to be born to them, but all in vain. From Charan Kaur, one should learn that you should never give up at all; you never know when luck will strike your door. We can also see two eternal truths in this news if anyone has noticed them.
One is the death of the Punjabi singer and the next is the birth of his younger brother after two years this child is born to this couple. Death and birth go hand in hand in this news. There is happiness after every sadness and vice versa, it is just how one takes it. Therefore, one should not lose hope.