On Wednesday Khwaja Asif rejected the claims of pressuring Imran Khan about making a “Deal”. While speaking with the reporters on Tuesday, Barrister Gohar Khan made negative comments about Imran Khan. But when he was asked if he had said that Imran was being pressured he denied having said such statement. He claimed that he said if there is any talk about it it will not be hidden from you.
Nonetheless, Gohar Khan further added “We are saying that Our Leader and his wife are being kept in harsh conditions, these are different kinds of pressure so he somehow agrees with the one who made him suffer. But Imran Khan is somehow enduring it all for the sake of his people.”
Khwaja Asif rejected the statement of PTI’s MNA and said, They are spreading such words to be pertinent.
He said that well-respected people of PTI commented on the matter that no deal is happening and they had no information about it from the Chairman. The opposition leader said if such disputed comments come from the Imran’s party what can we say about that?
Khwaja Asif also made remarks about the KP’s PTI party and the government, he said the Federal government should not intervene to ruin the relationship between the two.
He also points out the meeting between the PM Shehbaz Sharif and Chief Minister Ali Amin which took place in March, he was also a part of that meeting. He said the meeting went smoothly with a satisfying atmosphere.
He also said, “If Khyber Pakhtunkhwa gives signs of ruining the relations, we have to think about what we should do in such a situation, but we will not take the lead in doing that.”
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