On Wednesday, Islamabad High Court approved the bail application of Imran Khan in the corruption case. His bail was set for one million rupees but he will remain in prison as he is still serving for other cases. The Islamabad High Court suspends his sentences in Toshakhana cases.
Imran and his wife Bushra Bibi were charged in the case in February by the Rawalpindi court. NAB filed a corruption case against Imran and seven other people regarding Al-Qadir University.
According to the case, Imran and his wife obtained a great sum of money and land for legalizing Bahria Town. NAB alleged that Imran played a key role in the transfer of money that was supposed to belong to the state of Pakistan.
NAB also said Imran was given many chances to justify his actions but he refused to do so. Many other famous people are among the suspects including Malik Riaz And his son, Zulfi Bukhari, and Shehzad Akbar.
Instead of participating in the investigation, they were all declared culprits behind the case. The properties of six proclaimed offenders have been frozen.
Initially, the judge was supposed to make his judgment on 26 January but the sentence was postponed multiple times, finally occurring on 27 February.
It is also said that Imran played a crucial role in the illegal transfer of funds that were meant for the state and its people and through which Malik Riaz gained benefit.
The reference also said that Akbar, a former assistant to the prime minister and Asset Recovery chief is responsible for the illegal funds that rightfully belong to the state.
Imran’s wife Bushra Bibi and Shahzadi were also part of illegal activities including corruption. The reference said that it was just to move forward against the suspects as there was sufficient evidence to justify the reference.