Kittens are the blessings of God to nature lovers; no one can ignore these cute creatures, those shiny small eyes, cute noses, pink tongues and soft meow when they want to say something. They are so adorable and cute that it never matters if you are a dog person or a cat person. You are gonna like kittens.
List of 20 Facts about Kittens
In this article, we will see interesting facts about kittens:
1)Blue eyes
Yeah, you read it right; when kittens are born, they have blue eyes, but as they grow and develop into cats, their eye colour may change into different colours depending upon their breed.
2) Blind and Deaf
If you have ever seen a newborn kitten, you might have observed that their eyes are closed; they open their eyes when they are about one week old. Also, kittens can’t hear properly in this period.
3) Growth and development
The first two weeks of kittens are very important for their growth and development; at the time of birth, their weight is less, and they are born so tiny.
After the mother feeds and cares for about 1-2 weeks, they develop very fast and gain double the weight they had at birth.
4)Sensitive to the environment
Kittens are mammal babies, but they are so tiny at their development stages that they cannot regulate body temperature, so they snuggle up close to their mother cat, or siblings to keep themselves warm.
5) Locomotion or Walk
Some kittens can easily walk or stand after birth or sometimes, but most kittens learn to walk properly after 2-3 weeks.
6)Meal times
Kittens require mother milk every 2-3 hours, and the mother cat needs to take care of her kittens a lot because that is the kittens’ growing period, so they need more nutrients and power to develop their body.
7)Importance of mother cat milk
It is important to understand that kittens require mother milk because in the early stages of development of kitten, they need it to fight against various diseases and environmental pathogens. Cat mother’s milk contains many important antibodies that aid kittens in growing and building their immunity and also prevent infection.
8)Vaccination of kittens
After 2-3 months, kittens can get vaccinations for prevention. rabies and ringworms because it is important to take precautionary measures before getting a pet kitten.
9) Kittens Bite
It is very interesting that if a kitten bites you on your one hand and an adult cat bites you on the other hand, the bite of the kitten must be more brutal because kittens have more sharp teeth.
10) 1st year development of a kitten
The most surprising fact about kittens is that their development at the 1st year of life is equal to the development of human in their 15 years; in simple words, the way the human body grows and develops and changes its structure and regulates functions in the early 15 years of life, kittens body do all these stuff in a first year of their life.
11) Sweating Process
Kittens and cats sweat through their paws; you may have observed if you hold kittens or cats, their paws are wet due to sweating.
12) Sweet taste
Kittens and cats can’t taste sweetness. According to scientific research, it is because of some genetic mutation that affects their taste bud receptor, so they can’t taste sweetness.
13) Voice recognization
Kittens and cats can recognize your voice; they have the ability to recognize and remember the voices of people around them.
14) Unique nose
Kittens are born with different noses or unique noses; just like human fingerprints, kittens and other animals have different nose prints.
15) Purr of kittens
Kittens produce a purr sound in grief and in love; scientists suggest that this purr is actually a healing method or a self-healing process.
16) Potty training of kittens
Kittens have this sense or instinct to excrete or eliminate their waste in the soil. They learn this from their mother. Also, they need the help of their mother for potty and urination in the first five weeks after birth.
17)Sleeping time
The average time for sleeping kittens is approximately 18 hours a day. They love to sleep. The first 12 weeks of kittens are very much invested in sleeping.
18) Meow
It is very surprising that kittens say meow to talk with humans; they try to communicate with us by using meow. Also, there are different versions of meow they use for different purposes or to request different things from humans.
Kittens and adult cats use to scratch various things like doors, floors, carpets and other things to sharpen their claws and stretch their back and shoulders.
20) Hearing power
The hearing power or ability of kittens is much higher than that of human beings and also some dog breeds. Cats can hear up to 60 khz of sound frequency, while humans can hear up to 20 khz and dogs 40 khz.
Kittens are very fragile and cute creatures that need so much care and nursing if you want to adopt them. They are lovely and demanding love and attention; 1st year of their life is very important for the growth and development of the body and internal organs, so they need special care. They want more sleep and more food. They want to play and roam around in this growing period. Kittens are very friendly to humans and are easy to pet them.
1) What do kittens eat?
Kitten food should be their mother’s milk, but if you are adopting a kitten without a mother, then kitten food must contain protein, fat, and high calories.
2) Why do kittens lick?
Kittens lick humans to show love and affection.
3) Why do kittens sleep so much?
Kittens sleep so much because they need sleep for their growth and development.
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